Manual Workstations
Many labs are turning to solid phase extraction techniques to improve sample clean-up and pre-analytical processing for mass spectrometry. This solution that can achieve efficient MS sample prep workflows for a variety of clinically important analytes and extraction methodologies. The use of positive pressure gas for SPE maximizes process reproducibility and uniformity across columns and plate wells, with individual channel flow restriction guaranteeing robust processing of partly filled plates or column set-ups. Adjustable pressure settings allow optimization of flow rates, reducing processing times and enhancing analytical performance.
Automated Workstations
Positive pressure processing for 1 ml columns or 96-well (1ml) plates. Automated liquid dispenser. Accurate delivery of up to 11 protocol solvents allows unattended SPE workflows. The instrument uses the proven Cavro® syringe pump technology to accurately dispense solvents ranging from deionized water to hexane.